Wednesday, July 24, 2013

BIZARRE: 5-Year Old Who Delivered Baby!

Lina Medina
Lina Medina started menstration at eight months of age, prominent breast development at age four. By age five, she was already pregnant!

The shy girl was brought to a hospital by her parents at the age of five years due to increasing abdominal size. Pointing to the frightened child, her Indian mother begged Surgeon Geraldo Lozada to exorcise the evil spirits which had taken possession of her.

Certain that little Lina Medina had an abdominal tumor, Dr. Lozada examined her, and received the surprise of his life when he discovered she was eight months pregnant, making her the world's youngest mother ever.

The next question to ask (as in every Nollywood movie...*winks) is; "Who got her pregnant"?
But wait...

Born September 27, 1933, in Ticrapo, Huancavelica Region, Peru, Medina gave birth to a baby boy through ceasarian session one and a half months after (May 14, 1939). Her son weighed 2.7 kg (6 lb) at birth and was named Gerardo after her doctor. Gerardo was raised believing that Lina was his sister, but found out at the age of ten that she was his mother. He grew up healthy but died in 1979 at the age of 40 of a disease of the bone marrow.

But up till her death, Medina never revealed the father of her child nor the circumstances of her impregnation. Her doctor suggested she might not actually know the response to the question herself by writing that Medina "couldn't give precise response. Her father was arrested at some point but was let off the hook due to lack of evidences.

Shocking...strange...bizarre...but it really did happen!


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