Monday, July 8, 2013

Look at what this woman did too herself all in the name of fashion and doesnt want too get old

INCREDIBLE: What a Woman Did to herself to stay young

Lifestyle, 30 but look 70, anorexic, Helen Gillespie,

It's really crazy what some women would do to stay young!

This anorexic lady aged 30 starved herself for twenty years in order to stay young, but instead nature caught up with her as she has been left with the body of an old woman.
Helen Gillespie who is from Perth in Scotland had been dieting from when she was ten years old because she was scared of growing up. By the time she was 14,she weighed four and a half stone(28.57kg).

More Picture after the cut.

Lifestyle, 30 but look 70, anorexic, Helen Gillespie,

She would spend sometime in the hospital,go back home, starve herself again and find herself back in the hospital,this kept occuring for about 20years.

She did not develop breasts and had to wear prosthetics meant for cancer patients and even had her first period at the age of 26,but rather than remaining young,she was left with varicose veins and the bones of a seventy year old woman.

She had been told by the doctors that her bones are already weak and she would get worse if her condition doesn't improve.She has spent almost all her life in the hospital and has no social life,work,proper education.
Helen has spent most of the last twenty years in hospital and she still can not manage to eat a proper adult food.

1 comment:

  1. Shockingly judgemental headline! This illness is nothing to do with superficial fashion. Oh and spell correctly TO not TOO.
